An important part of DBG’s mission is to create an environmentally sustainable habitat that will 1) provide an exceptional location for educating the public about natural processes of the coast; 2) increase awareness of the importance and sensitivity of native Delaware coastal ecosystems; and 3) serve as a resource for the public, businesses, institutions, and communities concerning our coastal resources and natural solutions to water quality, biodiversity, climate change, and sea level rise issues.
Environmental features installed at Delaware Botanic Gardens include working models that demonstrate best management practices (BMPs) in water quality and stormwater control (e.g. the Rhyne Garden; the Botanic Bathroom’s Green Technologies; the Learning Garden; the Hedgerow Garden.) Other environmental features are fully functioning natural structures that protect and preserve our sensitive coastal surrounds (e.g. the Living Shoreline at The Point; the DGB-DelDOT Hybrid Living Shoreline.) Interpretive signage along the DBG trails provide insight to visitors about the benefits, the structure and use of the natural technologies. Visitors can visually experience how these green technologies and BMPs can be implemented in their community, home or business landscapes to not only beautify one’s property, but also conserve, sustain and protect our natural resources.
Environmental garden features and models at DBG have been made possible through partnerships with, and funded by, several agencies of the State (Delaware Natural Resources and Environmental Control; Delaware Department of Agriculture Urban & Community Forestry; Delaware Department of Transportation) and EPA.
Please join us at DBG to view these special environmental features in person, as well as through these web pages, and be sure to look to see how they might relate to your landscape.