Donate Now!

Your support enables DBG to fulfill our vision for a beautiful engaging garden that inspires and educates all our guests. We could not provide these opportunities without your generosity. Here is a list of ways you can support Delaware Botanic Gardens:

TRADITIONAL DONATION Mail a check, payable to the Delaware Botanic Gardens, PO Box 1390, Ocean View, DE 19970.

ELECTRONIC WIRE TRANSFER Have a donation wired directly from your account to the Delaware Botanic Garden.

MATCHING GIFTS Many businesses will match employees’ charitable gifts. A donation may be matched dollar-for-dollar or at a percentage. Check with your company to see if they participate in a matching gift program.

IRA You may make the DBG the beneficiary of your IRA or other retirement account. The DBG would receive any balance remaining upon your passing, and while retirement assets are often highly taxed when left to heirs, this tax-free transfer can offer your estate a tax deduction.

REQUIRED MINIMUM DISTRIBUTION* Beginning at age 70½, you may contribute up to $100,000 annually directly from your IRA to DBG through a RMD. Talk with your financial advisor to make sure you follow all the rules.

DONOR-ADVISED FUND (DAF)* You may contribute to the DBG through your donor-advised fund. The DBG can also be the beneficiary or successor advisor to your DAF, receiving the balance remaining upon your passing.

STOCK AND SECURITIES* You can donate appreciated stock to the DBG, saving capital gains taxes.  Stock will be sold at the time of receipt with complete charitable documentation available for the donor.

NAMING RIGHTS A donor may designate his/her contribution for a specific garden feature or area; by doing so, the donor(s) will be recognized by a sign placed at that site in perpetuity.

BEQUESTS/LEGACY GIFTS* Remembering the DBG in wills and trusts helps to ensure we continue the great tradition of providing a world class inspirational, education and sustainable garden in southern Delaware, created for the enjoyment of all. You may have the DBG receive a specified dollar amount, specific assets, or all, or a percentage of the remainder of your estate once all obligations are met

For additional information or questions, contact Sheryl Swed, Executive Director at 202-262-9856,

Delaware Botanic Garden
POBox 1390, Ocean View, DE 19970
EIN #32-0371538

  • To ensure your gift meets proper tax requirements, we recommend reviewing guidelines and discussing with your financial advisor prior to making a gift. The information presented above represents neither tax nor investment advice

Prepared by Bryn Mawr Trust for the Delaware Symphony Orchestra, modified and used with permission