Share: Botanic gardens volunteers to receive governor’s award
/Delaware Botanic Gardens volunteers are among the groups to receive 2021 Governor’s Outstanding Volunteer Service Awards.
Recipients were selected for significant contributions, engagement and impact in diverse service activities.
Ray Sander, Delaware Botanic Gardens president, thanked Gov. John Carney for recognizing the exceptional contribution of the botanic gardens volunteers and especially the tireless work of its garden stewards.
“Public botanical gardens are places of beauty and conservation where the public can enjoy and be educated about the role and importance of horticulture. The Delaware Botanic Gardens is one of the newest public gardens in the United States, and one of the few where volunteers perform the full range of gardening, administrative and management tasks. We are very proud of the thousands of hours that our volunteers have donated. Without their time, energy, and dedication, there would be no beautiful gardens in Sussex County for the community to visit and enjoy,” said Sander.