New DBG Advisors
/For immediate release March 12, 2019
Raymond J. Sander, President of Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) and DBG Advisory Council Chair Carla Markell announced that DBG has added two new key members to its Advisory Council – Mark Carter and Lillian Harrison.
Carla Markell, DBG Advisory Chair, said, “For a public initiative like the Delaware Botanic Garden to be truly successful, we must become a resource which encompasses the wide range of interests of our Delmarva community. Mark Carter and Lilian Harrison, as respected community leaders, bring their unique perspectives and networks to DBG at this key time as we prepare to “Open the Garden Gates” to the public.
Sander said, “Mark and Lillian are models of “giving back.” Their commitment and lives are dedicated to improving the quality of life throughout the Delmarva community. Their membership on the DGB Advisory Council will add to our ability to network and connect this garden to the many public interests we need to serve.
Sheryl Swed, DBG Executive Director, said, “The Advisory Council continues to be an important source of excellence and leadership for DBG. As we strive toward our Grand Opening, the energy and enthusiasm of these two great professionals will accelerate our momentum and augment our knowledge and experience base.
Mark Carter
Mark is a great example of the innovative and creative team that Sam and Mariah Calagione have built at their award-winning brewery. Not only has Dogfish Head become one of the US top 20 craft breweries, they and their team have also generously donated to and volunteered with over 150 nonprofits. As Dogfish Head Brewery’s Director of Beer and Benevolence, Mark has been instrumental in the funding of DBG’s outdoor living classroom. This feature includes a constructed wetland and reconstructed Inland Dunes, which are the center for DBG’s educational mission. DGB is proud to be working with Dogfish Head and for this great company to have the first Naming Rights at our garden, the Dogfish Head Learning Garden. Mark said, “Thanks for asking me to be a part of this amazing project.”
Mark is a native Delawarean. He graduated from the Virginia Military Institute and is a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps. He lives in Milton DE with his partner Sara and their children.
Lillian Harrison
Lillian said, “I am honored and excited to have this opportunity to give back to our community by serving on the DBG Advisory Council.” Lillian is a recognized community leader with skills in business, economics and community development. She brings to the Advisory Council her entrepreneurial experience as well as her work in nonprofit management, public relations, marketing, branding and personnel management. Lillian is the President/Executive Director of the Elevated Community Development Corporation in Georgetown DE. Her firm provides job skills training, workforce development programs and job readiness counseling for people striving to realize their full human and economic potential. Lillian is also the Housing Director for Delaware Community Reinvestment Action Council and is a Member of the Sussex Economic Action Development Committee (SEDAC).
Lillian was awarded her certificate in Community and Economic Development from the University of Delaware, school of Urban Affairs and Public Policy. She also studied Computer Information Systems at Delaware Technical and Community College. Lilian lives in Millsboro DE with her husband, James.
The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create an inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. The Delaware Botanic Gardens celebrates the coastal plain with a sustainable garden that delights and educates visitors and inspires them to preserve Delmarva’s native landscape.
SAVE THE DATE: The first lecture at the Dogfish Head Learning Garden is Friday, May 17 at 1 pm when Todd Fritchman from Envirotech Environmental Consulting will give a talk entitled “Bugs and Beer” and Dogfish Head will be serving several of their great offerings. Go to for details.