York, PA Girl Scouts Create Garden at DBG

On June 18, Girl Scouts from Troop 20566, York, PA created a new garden project at the Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) in Dagsboro, DE.  The 15 Girl Scouts and 9 adults worked on preparing this project for months.  They selected 500 plants and 4 redbud trees, which they planted on one very hot day.

Co-Troop Leader Wendy Brister explained, “We have been working on this project since March, raising money by selling native plants, and we have been learning about native plants in troop meetings.  Our emphasis was teaching the importance of pollinators in the garden.”

DBG President Ray Sander said, “This is a very special day.  This sets the example of how DBG will work with the Girl and Boy Scout organizations in the area.”  He pointed out that the troop co-leader, Wendy Brister, is a longtime supporter of Delaware Botanic Gardens. He told Wendy, “Your troop’s donation of plants and hard work has greatly enhanced the garden’s natural beauty.”

DBG Director of Horticulture Gregg Tepper said, “I’m excited about how this Girl Scout project turned out.  The dedication and generosity of Girl Scout Troop 20566 is here for all our visitors to enjoy as they walk along the western edge of Woodland Garden.”

Troop 20566 is part of the Echo Valley Community of Girl Scouts Heart of Pennsylvania.  They meet in eastern York County and the Girl Scouts attend Eastern York School District and Central York School District.  Co-Troop leader Marie Moore also explained that they are an unusual group because Troop 20566 is composed of mixed age groups including Brownies (grades 3 and 4), Juniors (grades 4 and 5) and Cadets (grades 6, 7 and 8).  “We all stay together and learn together,” Marie said.  Girl Scout Catarina Brigham observed, “This is such a pretty and calming place, I like the gardens.”

Executive Director Sheryl Swed said, “As a former Girl Scout, I am so proud of these young women and their wonderful contribution to the beauty of the gardens.”

The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create an inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all.  The Delaware Botanic Gardens celebrates the coastal plain with a sustainable garden that delights and educates visitors and inspires them to preserve Delmarva’s native landscape.

Troop 20566 & adult leaders Marie Moore & Wendy Brister on  Mound in Meadow Garden with dbg hosts sheryl swed, left & gregg tepper, rightphoto by ray bojarski

Troop 20566 & adult leaders Marie Moore & Wendy Brister on  Mound in Meadow Garden with dbg hosts sheryl swed, left & gregg tepper, right
photo by ray bojarski