New DBG Leaders
/For Immediate Release June 15, 2018
The President of Delaware Botanic Gardens (DBG) Ray Sander announced the election of two new Board of Directors members at DBG. Sander said, “As DBG continues the journey to open in 2019, we are honored to have an outstanding team of devoted Delmarva volunteers, who are bringing the gardens to life.” He continued, “Ron and Brent have been volunteer leaders and generous financial contributors to our gardens.” The new Board members are:
Ronald Bass is a resident of Rehoboth Beach, DE. He holds a BS in business administration from the University of Baltimore. He worked for the Social Security Administration for 30 years. Ron has devoted himself to community service. Upon retirement, he worked as a volunteer with the Baltimore City mayor’s office on architectural projects in the city and volunteered for over 10 years managing the Otterbein Community Parks. The parks system consisted of seven different parks spread throughout the community and included infrastructure maintenance, planting contracts, lighting coordination with the city along with simple planting and watering duties. He is a devoted volunteer at DBG.
Brent Baker is a resident of Millville, DE. He began his love of nature in the Boy Scouts, where he reached the rank of Eagle Scout. He has 45 years of Communication-PR experience. He served on active military duty for 29 years, and retired as the Navy’s Chief of Information with the rank of Rear Admiral. Brent then served as a professor and the Dean of the College of Communication, Boston University. He holds a BS in Communications from Northwestern University and an MS in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin. Brent brings his communications expertise to DBG serving as our Communications Advisor. He is a lifelong gardener and volunteers as one of the DBG Garden Stewards.
DBG Executive Director Sheryl Swed also announced that Carol McCloud, the Vice President of the Board, a resident of Fenwick Island, has assumed new duties as the DBG Garden Stewards’ and Docents’ Coordinator. Sheryl said, “As we approach the opening of the gardens we thank all our volunteers who have been key to getting the gardens ready for visitors. Now, we need more volunteers to help us become operational in 2019. If you enjoy gardening, we need you. If you would like to be a DBG hospitality volunteer, we need you too. Please go to our website and click on Join Us.”
The mission of the Delaware Botanic Gardens is to create an inspirational, educational, and sustainable public garden in Delaware for the benefit and enjoyment of all. The Delaware Botanic Gardens celebrates the coastal plain with a sustainable garden that delights and educates visitors and inspires them to preserve Delmarva’s native landscape.